8261 Badacsonytomaj-Badacsony, Park u. 20. • +36 87 531 013 • badacsonytomaj@tourinform.hu

Altogether: 62 result
Altogether: 62 result


VáliBor Wine Cellar

8257 Badacsonyörs, Major utca 24.

Guests visiting and staying here can always expect fresh ingredients, local cheese, hams, salami, delicious oven-baked dishes...

Fischer Wine House

8285 Kisapáti, 043/14 Hrsz.

Alfred Fischer is the owner of Alto-InWest Ltd., a wine-grower from Burgenland, Austria. Today, it is one of the most successful...

Laposa Winery

H-8261, Badacsony Bogyai út. 1.

The Laposa family winery is located in the heart of Badacsony, on the old Bogyai estate.

Dobosi-Stier Winery

8261 Badacsony, Római út 216.

Our artisan family winery is located in the picturesque wine region, in the Balaton-Highlands National Park, on the popular...

Németh Winery

8261 Badacsony, Római út 127.

The Németh Winery is one of the smallest family wineries in Badacsony. We warmly welcome our guests in our atmospheric cellar,...

Hableány Badacsony

8261 Badacsonytomaj, Park u. 26.

Hableány means the development of Lake Balaton, gastronomy, wine, the wine region, and the dreams that can come true with a lot...

Istvándy Winery

8283, Káptalantóti Hegymög dűlő

The volcanic mountains and the waters of Lake Balaton provide such a special microclimate for the grapes grown here that the...

Badacsony Bistro

8258 Badacsony, Egry stny. 9-10.

A family business, which from 2019 awaits its old and new guests at a new location, next to the Badacsony ABC!

La Téne Confectionery & Coffeehouse

8261 Badacsony, Park utca 3.

Delicious desserts, good vibes and smiling faces a few hundred metres from the shores of Lake Balaton!

Von Beőthy Winery

8286 Gyulakeszi, Csobánc-hegy 10.

Our aim is to further promote the quality red wines of the Balaton Highlands. Taste our products on our panoramic wine terrace...

Folly Arboretum and Winery

8257 Badacsonyörs, Kápolnavölgyi út 25.

Our arboretum is not just one arboretum among many. It is not just a collection of special cedars and cypresses, but the story...

Éliás Estate

8258 Badacsonytomaj, Radnóti Miklós u. 1.

With a wonderful panoramic view of Lake Balaton and a wine terrace opening in the centre in May 2019, they want to enrich the...

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8261 Badacsonytomaj-Badacsony, Park u. 20. • +36 87 531 013 • badacsonytomaj@tourinform.hu