8261 Badacsony, Park u. 14. • +36 87 531 013 • badacsonytomaj@tourinform.hu

Büttner Winery

Innovation and tradition.

The Estate

Established in 2015, Büttner Winery's vineyards are located on the southern, south-western and western slopes of Tóti Hill (Hegymög vineyard and Bodoki vineyard), on the southern slopes of Badacsony and on the southern and western slopes of Örsi Hill (Öreg-hegyi vineyard).
Area: 12 hectares


The mission of the Büttner Winery is to harmoniously combine the winemaking traditions of the Badacsony Wine Region with modern winemaking methods. As a result, we produce special quality 'IT' wines. Büttner - Innovation and Tradition.

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8261 Badacsony, Park u. 14. • +36 87 531 013 • badacsonytomaj@tourinform.hu