8261 Badacsonytomaj-Badacsony, Park u. 20. • +36 87 531 013 • badacsonytomaj@tourinform.hu

Altogether: 5 result
Altogether: 5 result


Von Beőthy Winery

8286 Gyulakeszi, Csobánc-hegy 10.

Our aim is to further promote the quality red wines of the Balaton Highlands. Taste our products on our panoramic wine terrace...

Szabó Family Wine Cellar

8258 Badacsonytomaj, Hársfa út 13.

The Szabó Family has been engaged in viticulture and winemaking for 30 years.

Csendes Dűlő Winery

8257 Badacsonyörs, Hegyalja út 43.

On the southern slopes of the Örsi-hill, just a stone's throw from the Folly Arboretum and Winery, you will find our winery. The...

Hoffmann Winery

8262 Badacsonylándihegy, Orgona u. 38.

There are no two grapevines which are the same.There are no two wines which are the same, just as no two years, weather or...

Borbély Family Winery

8258 Badacsonytomaj, Káptalantóti út 19.

The respect and love of the Badacsony landscape, the vineyards and the wine have defined the life of our family for generations,...

8261 Badacsonytomaj-Badacsony, Park u. 20. • +36 87 531 013 • badacsonytomaj@tourinform.hu