8261 Badacsonytomaj-Badacsony, Park u. 20. •
+36 87 531 013 •
Have a look at our information publication about Badacsony and its surroundings!
Dear Guest!
You can download the informative brochure of the Badacsony Wine Region by clicking on the link below:
Badacsony Region Information brochure - HUNGARIAN
Badacsony Region Promotion Brochure - ENGLISH
Badacsony Region Advertising brochure - GERMAN
We wish you to be touched by the spirit of the place, the friendship and hospitality of the people! Whether on foot, by bicycle or by car, get to know the countryside, the Badacsony Wine Region invites you to an adventure!
We are at your disposal for any questions, contact us!
Badacsony Tourist and Wine Route Association - Tourinform Badacsony
8261 Badacsony, Park utca 14.
E-mail address: badacsonytomaj@tourinform.hu
Tel.: +36 87/531-013