8261 Badacsonytomaj-Badacsony, Park u. 20. • +36 87 531 013 • badacsonytomaj@tourinform.hu

Beach info Szigliget

Beach info Szigliget

The Szigligeti beach is very popular with families and thanks to continuous improvements, it welcomes thousands of people every day during the summer. For small children, there is a shallow, sandy beach with safe access to the water. The beach, with its many flowers, alternates between sunny and shady areas over an area of around 18 000 square metres.

Welcome to Szigliget!
For your relaxation our beach offers you the following facilities.

Free of charge services:
  • first-aid
  • life-guards
  • ahared changing rooms
  • cold-water showers
  • toilets

The storm warning is provided by the Meteorological Service with light signals.
Dogs and other pets are NOT allowed on the beach and fishing is FORBIDDEN!!! Please follow the hygiene rules!

Ticket prices in 2024:

Daily tickets:

  • Single entry: 1,500 HUF
  • Children and youth ticket 3-18 years: HUF 500
  • Daily family ticket (2 adults + 2 children): 3,500 HUF
  • Daily cabin ticket: 500 Ft
  • Daily locker: 500 Ft

The daily ticket is valid for one visit. Re-entering - during box office hours - requires a new ticket.

Weekly tickets:

  • Weekly ticket: 7,500 HUF
  • Children and youth weekly ticket 3-18 years: HUF 2,500
  • Weekly cabin ticket: 2,700 Ft

Monthly tickets:

  • Monthly ticket: 27,000 Ft
  • Children and youth monthly ticket 3-18 years: 9,000 Ft
  • Monthly cabin ticket: 10,000 Ft

Season tickets:

  • Season ticket: 45,000 Ft
  • Children and youth season ticket 3-18 years: 15,000 Ft
  • Season cabin ticket: 26,000 Ft

Opening hours of the cash desk in 2024:
From 26 May: every day from 9 am to 7 pm
In the morning between 5 am and 7 am, you can swim in the morning.
From 7 am to 9 am the beach is closed due to cleaning.

The beach is open outside of opening hours (7 pm to 12 am) and can be used at your own risk. The boundaries of the bathing area are marked by buoys placed in the water every 50 metres.
After 7 pm visiting the beach is free of charge.

If you experience any irregularities or inconvenience in the operation of the beach, please report it to the beach manager.

Dogs and other pets are NOT allowed on the beach and fishing is FORBIDDEN!!!
Please follow the hygiene rules!

Information: +36 87 461 385

Beach address:
8264 Szigliget, Soponyai utca, 887/2, cad.
Email address: szigligetinfo@gmail.com
Website: www.szigliget.hu

Szigliget Municipality
8264 Szigliget, Kossuth utca 54
Tel.: +36 87 461 355 

8261 Badacsonytomaj-Badacsony, Park u. 20. • +36 87 531 013 • badacsonytomaj@tourinform.hu