8261 Badacsonytomaj-Badacsony, Park u. 20. • +36 87 531 013 • badacsonytomaj@tourinform.hu

OPUS Travel agency

OPUS Travel agency

Since 1992, the Opus Travel Agency has been one of the long-established, officially operating tour operators with more than 60 holiday homes and apartments for rent on the shores of Lake Balaton and Lake Venice.

Their main profile:

  • Sales of accommodation (holiday homes, apartments, guesthouses) in the domestic tourism sector.
  • Individual travel arrangements from abroad, accommodation brokerage.


Other services:

  • Information services
  • Postcards, maps sales
  • Real estate brokerage, valuation

We accept:  Badacsony Regional Card

Open in 2024:

  • 14 May - 25 September: 

    Monday to Friday: 9.00 - 17.00 Saturday: 9.00 - 17.00
    Monday to Friday: 9.00 - 17.00 Saturday: 9.00 - 17.00, Sunday: 9.00 - 13.00

Address: 8256 Ábrahámhegy, Badacsonyi út /GPS: 46.8151447 17.5722626/
Mobile: +36 30 9890 095
Phone: +36 87 471 683
E-Mail: opusinfo@balaton-opus.hu 

8261 Badacsonytomaj-Badacsony, Park u. 20. • +36 87 531 013 • badacsonytomaj@tourinform.hu