8261 Badacsonytomaj-Badacsony, Park u. 20. • +36 87 531 013 • badacsonytomaj@tourinform.hu

Landhouse-Village Museum

Landhouse-Village Museum

Int he museum you can find the meticulously and exhibited ethnographic relics of the region.


The whitewashed, reed-roofed farmhouse that houses the collection was built in 1898. The objects, utensils, furniture, documents found in the original building, left in a renovated building, depict the history of the city and the life and habits of its inhabitants.

Info: 8258 Badacsonytomaj, Tájház court tel.: +36-87/571-115 vmk@badacsonyiprogramok.hu www.badacsonyiprogramok.hu

8261 Badacsonytomaj-Badacsony, Park u. 20. • +36 87 531 013 • badacsonytomaj@tourinform.hu