8261 Badacsonytomaj-Badacsony, Park u. 20. • +36 87 531 013 • badacsonytomaj@tourinform.hu
A taste of the interesting things of Badacsony mountain! Read it to get in the mood for a tour of Badacsony Mountain! The...
Int he museum you can find the meticulously and exhibited ethnographic relics of the region.
Szigliget is attractive not just because of its natural conditions but thank to its built environment and historic buildings....
The visitor centre presents the Lake Balaton and Badacsony. In this institution open throghout the year guests can learn about...
What to see in Badacsony?
A small beautiful chapel in the Badacsony hill.
József Egry was a famous painter from the early 20th century who lived and painted most of his works in Badacsony. His main...
Basalt church of Badacsonytomaj
Badacsonytördemic is a friendly, relaxing village with fresh air at the northern foot of Badacsony Hill, which is an excellent...
The study path provided with information boards in Hungarian and English presents the natural treasures of the volcanic hills as...
Badacsonyörsön található Vollein Ferenc festőművész Kortárs Képzőművészeti Galériája.
Let us to tell you the history of the little chapels of the Badacsony region…